
Our Story
For centuries, the Latin phrase Labore et Honore -- which translates to "Labor and Honor" -- has adorned the Clarke Family Coat of Arms. As a young boy raised amidst Idaho potato farms, James Clarke gained practical meaning from the phrase as he collected his weekly paycheck while working summers for his parents.
Far more important than the sum of money at the end of each week were the words on his paycheck. Had he been honorable and hardworking in his efforts, the memo section of the paycheck would read "LABOR and HONOR."
Had he just worked, but been late or given a half-hearted effort, the memo section of the check would simply read "LABOR," a singular word which made his young heart sink. Clarke learned early that only labor and honor together would suffice in all of his efforts.
Our Foundation
Although Andrea and James Clarke have been making transformational philanthropic gifts for over a decade, they formalized their giving with the formation of the Labor and Honor Foundation in late 2020 and the hiring of their Executive Director in 2021.